10 Contoh News Item Text Singkat Lengkap dengan Strukturnya

10 Contoh News Item Text Singkat Lengkap dengan Strukturnya

Terkini | inews | Rabu, 4 September 2024 - 22:15

JAKARTA, iNews.id - Contoh news item text singkat beserta strukturnya berikut ini bisa dipelajari dan dipahami oleh siswa baik di sekolah maupun rumah. 

News item text merupakan salah satu jenis teks berbahasa Inggris yang memberikan informasi ataupun berita mengenai kejadian terkini atau baru terjadi. 

Teks tersebut disusun dengan format yang singkat, padat, dan objektif. Serta, harus terdapat unsur 5W+1H (Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How). 

Struktur News Item Text

Mengutip Siregar dalam buku English for Vocational School, news item text terdiri dari beberapa susun, yakni: 

1. Main Event (Inti Kejadian)

Main event merupakan kejadian yang diberitakan secara ringkas dari suatu peristiwa yang terjadi atau biasa disebut dengan berita utama. 

2. Elaboration/Background (Background, Participant, Time, Place)

Penjelasan secara rinci dari pemberitaan mulai dari kenapa, siapa saja yang terlibat, kapan, dan di mana kejadian dari pemberitaan tersebut ditulis atau dibacakan.

3. Resource Information/Source

Adalah bagian akhir yang memuat sumber dari informasi, misalnya komentar dari masyarakat atau pernyataan lisan dari narasumber.

Contoh News Item Text

1. Title: Mental Health Crisis Emerges Amidst Ongoing Pandemic

Main Event:

A growing mental health crisis becomes apparent as the prolonged impact of the COVID-19 pandemic takes a toll on the psychological well-being of individuals in Indonesia. 

Increasing cases of anxiety, depression, and stress raise concerns about the need for comprehensive mental health support.

Background Event:

The pandemic’s effects on mental health have been recognized globally, and Indonesia is no exception. Economic uncertainties, social isolation, and loss contribute to the escalating mental health challenges faced by the population.


Psychologist Dr. Siti Nurhaliza emphasizes, “Addressing the mental health crisis requires a multi-faceted approach, including increased accessibility to mental health services, community awareness, and destigmatization of seeking help. It’s crucial to prioritize mental well-being alongside physical health.” 

Personal stories from individuals affected by mental health issues and insights from mental health advocates provide a human perspective on the crisis.

2. Title: Antibiotic Resistance Threatens Public Health

Main Event:

The emergence of antibiotic-resistant infections poses a significant threat to public health in Indonesia. The overuse and misuse of antibiotics contribute to the development of resistant strains, raising concerns about the effectiveness of common treatments.

Background Event:

Antibiotic resistance has been a global concern, and Indonesia faces challenges in regulating antibiotic use, enforcing prescription guidelines, and educating healthcare professionals and the public about responsible antibiotic practices.


Dr. Putri Indah, an infectious disease specialist, warns, “Antibiotic resistance can lead to untreatable infections, jeopardizing medical advancements. It’s essential to implement stringent antibiotic stewardship programs, enhance surveillance, and educate the public on the proper use of antibiotics.” 

Insights from healthcare practitioners and public health officials highlight the need for collaborative efforts to address antibiotic resistance.

3. Title: Trade Tensions Escalate: U.S. Imposes Tariffs on Imported Goods

Newsworthy Event:

Trade tensions between the United States and certain trading partners are escalating as the U.S. government imposes tariffs on specific imported goods, raising concerns about the potential impact on international commerce.

Background Event:

Recent announcements reveal that the U.S. has initiated tariff measures on selected imports, citing trade imbalances and national economic interests. This move has sparked discussions about potential retaliatory actions and the broader implications for global trade.


Trade experts, such as Economist John Baker, provide analysis on the potential consequences of the imposed tariffs on both domestic and international economies. Government officials, including U.S. Trade Representative Laura Martinez, share insights into the rationale behind the tariff decisions.

4. Title: Mount Merapi Erupts, Triggering Evacuations and Ashfall

Main Event:

In February 2023, Mount Merapi, located in Central Java, Indonesia, erupted, spewing ash and volcanic material into the atmosphere. The eruption prompted immediate evacuations of nearby communities and raised concerns about the potential impact on the region.

Background Event:

Mount Merapi is known for its frequent volcanic activity, but the recent eruption surpassed previous events in intensity. The increased seismic activity leading up to the eruption heightened monitoring efforts by local authorities.


Geologist Professor Adi Wijaya comments, “The eruption of Mount Merapi is a significant event, and the heightened seismic activity indicates the need for ongoing monitoring. 

The evacuation efforts are crucial to ensuring the safety of the local population.” Testimonies from evacuated residents and emergency response officials provide insights into the challenges faced during the evacuation process.

5. Title: Vehicle Vandalism Surges in Kazan: Car Owners Seek Enhanced Security

Newsworthy Event:

In recent days, a noticeable surge in vehicle vandalism has affected parking lots across Kazan, raising concerns among car owners and prompting law enforcement to enhance security measures.

Background Event:

Vandals have targeted parked vehicles, defacing them with graffiti, slashing tires, and causing significant damage. Car owners, frustrated and alarmed, are now seeking increased surveillance and security in parking areas to safeguard their vehicles.


Dmitri Ivanov, a car owner whose vehicle fell victim to vandalism, voiced his frustration and emphasized the need for urgent action to protect vehicles. Officer Elena Sokolova, representing the Kazan Traffic Police, acknowledged the rise in incidents and assured the public of ongoing efforts to enhance security measures, urging residents to report any suspicious activities.

6. Title: Indonesian Government Bans Single-Use Plastics in Jakarta Starting July 2023

Main Events:

Starting July 1st 2023, the Indonesian government has imposed a ban on single-use plastics in Jakarta, aiming to curb plastic pollution and promote sustainable waste management practices.

Background Event:

The ban covers plastic bags, straws, and styrofoam containers in an effort to combat the escalating issue of plastic waste. Jakarta, as the capital city, is at the forefront of this initiative. 

The ban is part of the government’s broader commitment to environmental sustainability and reducing the environmental impact of single-use plastics. Local businesses, citizens, and environmental groups are expected to actively participate in adapting to and enforcing the ban.


A spokesperson from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry stated, “The ban on single-use plastics in Jakarta is a significant step towards a cleaner and more sustainable capital. We encourage businesses and citizens alike to embrace alternatives and contribute to the reduction of plastic waste.”

7. Title: Downtown Bank Heist: Masked Robbers Escape with $3 Million Haul

Newsworthy Event:

In a daring criminal act that unfolded in the heart of Metroville, a downtown bank was targeted by a group of armed robbers, resulting in a swift and high-stakes heist.

Background Event:

At precisely 2:30 PM yesterday, three masked individuals armed with firearms stormed into the Metroville Central Bank on Oak Street. The criminals, executing a meticulously planned operation, forcefully gained access to the bank’s vault, making off with an estimated $3 million in cash and valuables. 

The entire incident transpired within a span of 20 minutes, leaving bank staff and customers in a state of shock and fear.

Local law enforcement swiftly responded to emergency calls, initiating a citywide manhunt to capture the perpetrators. Authorities are reviewing security footage from both inside and outside the bank, hoping to identify and apprehend the suspects. 

The investigation is ongoing, with police urging anyone with information to come forward.


Firsthand accounts of the heist were obtained from bank employees and eyewitnesses who were present during the incident. Official statements and updates on the police response were accessed through press releases from the Metroville Police Department. 

Live coverage of the ongoing investigation was reported by a local news station, providing additional insights into the unfolding events.

8. Title: Gang-Related Violence Escalates in East Los Angeles

Newsworthy Event:

A surge in gang-related violence has gripped East Los Angeles, prompting heightened concerns for public safety and a call for community intervention.

Background Event:

In recent weeks, an escalation in gang-related shootings and clashes has been reported in neighborhoods such as Boyle Heights and East LA. Several innocent bystanders have been injured, and local authorities are increasing police presence to address the rising tensions. 

Community leaders are urging residents to come together to address the root causes of the violence.


Maria Rodriguez, a resident who lives near a recent shooting incident, said, “Our streets used to be safe, but now we’re afraid to even go outside. We need the community and the police to work together to end this violence.” 

Dr. Carlos Ramirez, a sociologist specializing in gang dynamics, remarked, “Addressing the root causes, such as poverty and lack of opportunities, is crucial to tackling gang violence in the long term.”

9. Title: Organized Crime Network Unearthed in Yekaterinburg

Newsworthy Event:

Authorities in Yekaterinburg have successfully dismantled a significant organized crime network, leading to multiple arrests and the disruption of illicit activities.

Background Event:

Following months of surveillance and intelligence gathering, law enforcement agencies in Yekaterinburg conducted a series of raids targeting an organized crime network involved in activities such as drug trafficking and illegal gambling. 

The operation resulted in the arrest of several key individuals, and authorities seized contraband worth millions of rubles.


Colonel Mikhail Ivanov, head of the Yekaterinburg Police Department, announced, “This operation is a significant blow to organized crime in our city. We will continue our efforts to ensure the safety and security of our citizens.” 

Elena Petrovna, a resident living near one of the raided locations, commented, “It’s reassuring to see the police taking strong action against criminal networks. This sends a message that crime will not be tolerated in our community.”

10. Title: Spate of Cyber Extortion Cases Hits Singapore Businesses

Newsworthy Event:

A wave of cyber extortion cases has targeted businesses in Singapore, raising concerns about the vulnerability of digital infrastructure and the need for enhanced cybersecurity measures.

Background Event:

Over the past month, several businesses in Singapore have reported incidents of cyber extortion, where hackers demand payment in exchange for not compromising sensitive data. 

The affected businesses are working with cybersecurity experts and law enforcement to trace the origin of the attacks and strengthen their digital defenses.


David Tan, the CEO of a targeted company, stated, “This cyber extortion is a serious threat to our business and the privacy of our clients. We must invest in advanced cybersecurity measures to prevent future attacks.” Dr. Emily Lim, a cybersecurity expert, commented, “As businesses digitize, the risk of cyber extortion increases. Companies must prioritize cybersecurity to safeguard their data and operations.”

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