75 Contoh Conditional Sentence Type 2 yang Bisa Dipahami Siswa

75 Contoh Conditional Sentence Type 2 yang Bisa Dipahami Siswa

Terkini | inews | Senin, 2 September 2024 - 22:14

JAKARTA, iNews.id - Contoh conditional sentence type 2 jadi salah satu hal yang perlu diketahui bagi siswa yang ingin mendalami grammar Bahasa Inggris. 

Conditional sentence atau disebut juga dengan kalimat pengandaian adalah suatu jenis kalimat yang dipakai untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang mungkin terjadi atau mungkin tidak terjadi seperti yang diharapkan.

Sementara itu, conditional sentence digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang bertentangan dengan suatu hal yang terjadi saat ini. Kalimat ini digunakan untuk mengandaikan sesuatu yang mustahil terjadi. 

Adapun, rumus dari conditional sentence type 2 adalah If + Past Simple (V2), present conditional atau present continuous conditional. 

Agar lebih paham bentuk kalimatnya, berikut contoh conditional sentence type 2 yang dilansir dari berbagai sumber, Senin (2/9/2024). 

Contoh Conditional Sentence Type 2 

1. If I had more free time, I would travel around the world.

2. If she studied harder, she would pass the exam.

3. If it didn't rain tomorrow, we would have a picnic in the park.

4. If I didn’t study the wrong subject last night, I would get the best score in the class. 

5. If I were a billionaire, I would buy an island and build a huge resort where I can spend my weekends having fun with celebrities.

6. If I were her boyfriend, I would propose her right here, right now! 

7. If I did not attend Mr. Bobby class, I would spend my entire summer holiday taking the supplementary class.

8. If it rained, you would get wet. 

9. You would get wet if it rained.  

10. If I were taller, I would buy this dress. 

11. If I were 20, I would travel the world. 

12. If you went to bed earlier you wouldn't be so tired. 

13. If the weather wasn't so bad, we would go to the park.  

14. If I was the Queen of England, I would give everyone a chicken. 

15. If you really loved me, you would buy me a diamond ring.

16. If I knew where she lived, I would go and see her. 

17. You wouldn't be so tired if you went to bed earlier. 

18. If she fell, she would hurt herself. 

19. She would hurt herself if she fell. 

20. We might buy a larger house if we had more money 

21. He could go to the concert if you gave him your ticket. 

22. If he called me, I couldn't hear. 

23. If I were you, I would give up smoking.  

24. If I were a plant, I would love the rain.  

25. If I were Bobby, I would fight back.

26. If I had more money, I would buy a new car.

27. If she studied harder, she would get better grades.

28. If it wasn't raining, we would go for a walk.

29. If I were you, I would take the job offer.

30. If they didn't live so far away, we would visit them more often.

31. If he didn't eat so much junk food, he would be healthier.

32. If she had time, she would volunteer at the shelter.

33. If it weren't so hot, we would go for a run.

34. If I had known about the party, I would have attended.

35. If they didn't talk during the movie, we would enjoy it more.

36. If she didn't work late, she would have more time for hobbies.

37. If he didn't waste his money, he would be able to afford a vacation.

38. If I didn't have a meeting, I would join you for lunch.

39. If she didn't have a fear of flying, she would travel more.

40. If it weren't so noisy, I would be able to concentrate better.

41. If I didn't have a car, I wouldn't drive to work.

42. If she didn't wake up early, she wouldn't catch the bus.

43. If the earth was flat, Columbus would not find America. 

44. If he trained his soccer skill, he wouldn’t work as a farmer right now.

45. I wouldn’t buy snacks and soft drinks if you didn’t tell me before I went to the supermarket. 

46. If she weren’t a baby, I wouldn’t carry her in my arms. 

47. If he loved his girlfriend, he would not leave her for the other girl. 

48. If it rained tomorrow, I wouldn’t be awake all day.

49. If Nisa studied hard, she wouldn’t fail.

50. If I had a lot of money, I wouldn’t buy this cheap car.

51. If I didn't have a deadline, I wouldn't be working late.

52. If she didn't live so far away, we wouldn't have to drive for hours to visit her.

53. If he didn't spend all his money, he wouldn't be broke.

54. If it didn't snow so much in winter, we wouldn't need to shovel the driveway every day.

55. If they didn't talk so loudly, we wouldn't have trouble concentrating.

56. If she didn't procrastinate, she wouldn't be so stressed out about exams.

57. If I didn't have a fear of heights, I would enjoy amusement park rides more.

58. If he didn't skip breakfast, he wouldn't feel so hungry by mid-morning.

59. If it didn't get dark so early, we wouldn't have to turn on the lights in the afternoon.

60. If she didn't have a nut allergy, she could enjoy peanut butter.

61. If they didn't waste water, they wouldn't receive such high water bills.

62. If I didn't have a phobia of spiders, I would help you remove the spider from the room.

63. If he didn't forget his umbrella, he wouldn't get wet in the rain.

64. If it didn't smell so bad, we wouldn't need to take out the trash immediately.

65. If she didn't have a prior commitment, she would join us for the movie.

66. If you spoke Spanish, you would be able to communicate with them. 

67. If it wasn't so expensive, I would buy that dress. 

68. If I were a bird, I would fly to your home now.

69. If you were me, You would feel crazy with this schedule.

70. If he had a car, he would drive us to the airport. 

71. If you didn't eat so much, you would lose weight. 

72. If the weather were nicer, we would have a picnic. 

73. Susilo would come in time if the taxi driver did not take him in a longer route.

74. I would be greatful if my kids helped me around the house. 

75. You would look amazing if you bought that beautiful gown. 

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