Contoh Prompt Bing Image Creator untuk Membuat Poster Disney AI, Bisa Buat Tambah Cuan!

Contoh Prompt Bing Image Creator untuk Membuat Poster Disney AI, Bisa Buat Tambah Cuan!

Teknologi | inewsid | Kamis, 2 November 2023 - 15:19

JAKARTA, - Contoh prompt bing image creator untuk membuat poster Disney AI jadi hal yang menarik untuk diulas kali ini. Belakangan ini, poster atau gambar dengan desain yang mirip Disney Pixar berseliweran di berbagai platform media sosial, seperti Instagram dan TikTok.

Dengan desainnya yang cukup menggemaskan, tak ayal desain gambar yang dibuat menggunakan artificial intelligence (AI) itu menarik perhatian berbagai kalangan.

Adapun cara membuat poster Disney AI itu kamu dapat memanfaatkan teknologi bernama Bing Image Creator. Namun, pengguna juga harus dapat mendeskripsikan imajinasinya menjadi kalimat prompt pada laman tersebut.

Tujuan melakukan hal itu, yakni agar Bing Image Creator dapat membuat gambar sesuai dengan keinginan atau perintah pengguna. Berikut langkah-langkah yang dapat dilakukan untuk membuat poster Disney Pixar AI dirangkum dari berbagai sumber, Kamis (2/11/2023).

Cara Membuat Poster Disney Pixar Poster AI

1. Sebelum melakukan langkah-langkah berikut ini harus memiliki akun Microsoft. Jika belum memilikinya, silakan buat akun Microsoft terlebih dahulu.

1. Jika sudah membuat akun Microsoft, silakan buka Microsoft Edge pada browser perangkat komputer atau PC kamu

2. Kemudian, pada kolom pencarian ketik

3. Ketuk opsi Chat atau kamu dapat membuka laman Bing Image Creator dengan mengunjungi

4. Masukkan kalimat deskripsi tentang gambar poster Disney Pixar yang ingin kamu buat

5. Klik opsi Create dan tunggulah sejenak

6. Untuk menyimpan gambar, klik opsi Unduh dan otomatis gambar akan tersimpan di perangkat komputer atau PC kamu

Contoh Deskripsi Bing Image Creator Untuk Poster AI Disney Pixar

Di bawah ini merupakan informasi mengenai deskripsi bing image creator untuk membuat poster AI Disney Pixar.

1. Disney pixar poster movie, a man with short Korean hair, handsome and kind face, wearing a black hoodie, with a woman wearing a hijab, beautiful and sweet face, are painting together at an art table, accompanied by a small black cat. 3D animation.

2. Disney pixar poster a teacher wearing hijab, brown uniform and with Indonesian students of elementary school. 3D animation.

3. Disney pixar poster movie, a man with short Korean hair, handsome and kind face, wearing a black hoodie, with a woman wearing a hijab, beautiful and sweet face, are painting together at an art table, accompanied by a small black cat. 3D animation.

4. Disney pixar poster a teacher wearing hijab, brown uniform and with Indonesian students of elementary school. 3D animation.

5. Disney pixar poster, 3d animation. Bengal cats have a distinctive leopard-like appearance, with sleek, spotted coats and a playful, active nature.

6. Disney pixar poster that say (Namamu) a chubby-cheeked, hijab-wearing, gamis-wearing, cheerful, white skinned teacher is teaching in class. 3D animation.

7. Disney pixar poster features a 2 asians man walking while smoking in New York Street at 12 a.m. They wear a suit jacket with a shirt with the buttons slightly open. The surrounding atmosphere looks busy. Make it 3d animation.

8. Disney pixar poster, 3d animation. The hairless Sphynx cat is known for its wrinkled skin and distinctive appearance, which includes large ears and a lively personality.

9. Disney pixar poster, Siamese cats are known for their striking blue almond-shaped eyes, short coat with color points, and vocal personalities, 3d animation.

10. Disney pixar poster, a girl with hijab wear glasses and also looking at each other with a 20s boy who wear black shirt and sitting on the beach, 3d animation.

11. Disney pixar movie poster in prom night high school. The girl is wearing black mini dress, bun black hair with bangs. The boy wearing black suit, have dimples. He cant take his eyes from the girl, but the girl didnt realize it. 3D animation.

12. Disney pixar poster entitled LDR, a couple where the man is an Indonesian National Soldier, wearing army camouflage clothes, wearing camouflage backpack, wearing a beret, and wearing a black mask. Beautiful and cute woman, wearing a long navy hijab, wearing long orange blouse, wearing blue jeans, wearing shoes, and wearing a white mask. They are in the front of airport lobby, woman embracing mans hand. 3D animation.

13. Disney pixar poster with a girl sits wearing a blue robe and black pashmina hijab, and a baby boy sits on her lap wearing a blue shirt and black hat. Background of grass and trees. Cute 3D animation.

14. Disney pixar movie poster boy and girl at university. A girl is a culinary art student with has long black hair. Girl wearing chief jacket. A boy is computer engineering student with short black hair. 3D animation.

15. Disney pixar poster that say (Namamu), a woman wearing hijab graduated from literature, standing in the museum, and a book on she hands looking for art, 3D animation.

Itu dia ulasan mengenai contoh prompt bing image creator untuk membuat poster Disney AI. Selamat mencoba ya!

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