Pengertian, Contoh, dan Struktur Hortatory Exposition Text

Pengertian, Contoh, dan Struktur Hortatory Exposition Text

Terkini | sindonews | Minggu, 29 Desember 2024 - 10:11

Hortatory Exposition merupakan jenis teks dalam Bahasa Inggris yang bertujuan mengajak atau meyakinkan pembaca dalam mengambil suatu tindakan tertentu dengan menggunakan penyampaian yang logis. Berikut ulasannya.

Hortatory Exposition Text biasanya dipakai untuk teks artikel, editorial, pidato, dan bentuk lainnya. Teks ini biasanya ditulis berdasarkan sudut pandang atau opini si penulis sehingga isi teksnya bersifat subjektif.

Pengertian Teks Hortatory Exposition

Teks Hortatory Exposition adalah sebuah jenis teks yang digunakan untuk mempengaruhi tindakan pembaca dalam melakukan atau menghindari sesuatu. Teks ini menyajikan argumentasi yang mendukung sudut pandang tertentu dan biasanya teks ini diakhiri dengan rekomendasi atau ajakan.

Teks ini sering ditemukan dalam beberapa jenis teks, diantaranya teks pidato, teks jurnal ilmiah, iklan sosial, atau artikel opini dengan berfokus pada alasan-alasan logis yang disampaikan penulis dengan bertujuan untuk mempengaruhi opini pendapat agar setuju dengan opini yang disampaikan.

Salah satu contoh sederhana penggunaan teks ini adalah adanya ajakan dalam mendaur ulang sampah. Penulis bisa menjelaskan dampak buruk sampah bagi lingkungan untuk kemudian memberikan solusi untuk mengatasi masalah ini, dan diakhiri dengan ajakan untuk mulai memilah milah sampah di rumah masing-masing untuk dibuang sesuai jenisnya.

Fungsi Teks Hortatory Exposition

Teks Hortatory Exposition bertujuan untuk meyakinkan pembaca agar mengambil kegiatan tertentu yang sesuai dengan ide yang disampaikan oleh penulis. Adapun beberapa fungsi lain dari teks ini adalah :

1. Menyampaikan Informasi

Teks ini memberikan data atau fakta yang sesuai untuk mendukung argumen yang disampaikan.

2. Mengubah Persepsi Pembaca

Dengan disampaikannya argumen yang kuat, penulis berupaya untuk mengubah sudut pandang pembaca terhadap isu yang dibahas.

3. Mendorong Tindakan Untuk Melakukan Sesuatu

Teks Hortatory Exposition selalu diakhiri dengan kalimat ajakan untuk melakukan suatu tindakan, seperti “Marilah kita jaga lingkungan kita dengan mengurangi penggunaan sampah plastik. Gunakanlah tas belanja pribadi agar kita bisa mengurangi adanya limbah plastik.”

Struktur Hortatory Exposition

1. Thesis

Thesis adalah bagian pembuka dari teks ini yang bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan topik yang akan dibahas. Pada bagian ini, penulis menyatakan posisi atau pendapatnya terkait suatu isu.

2. Arguments

Arguments merupakan bagian dari teks Hortatory Exposition yang berisi alasan-alasan yang mendukung thesis. Arguments bisa dilengkapi dengan fakta, data, ataupun kutipan ahli yang memperkuat pendapat dari topik yang dibahas.

3. Recommendation

Recommendation menjadi bagian akhir dari teks Hortatory Exposition. Di bagian ini, penulis memberikan ajakan atau rekomendasi yang spesifik dan sesuai topik kepada pembaca.

Language Features Teks Hortatory Exposition

1. Menggunakan kalimat berbentuk Simple Present Tense dalam menunjukan fakta atau kebenaran secara umum.2. Memanfaatkan berbagai action verbs seperti “promote”, “unge”, atau “encourage”.3. Menggunakan kata kata evaluatif yang berfungsi untuk menekankan nilai argumen seperti “beneficial”, “important”, atau “crucial”.4. Memanfaatkan penggunaan kata penghubung temporal ketika menyusun argumen yang logis seperti “firstly”, “secondly” dan “finally”.5. Menggunakan moral verbs seperti “need to”, “must”, dan “should” dalam menunjukan tingkat urgensi.

Contoh Teks Hortatory Exposition

1. The Importance of Reducing Social Media Screen Time

ThesisSocial media has become an important part of our lives. However, too much time spent on social media can negatively impact productivity and mental health.

ArgumentsFirstly, social media often makes us feel dissatisfied with ourselves. Photos and stories of other people looking perfect can trigger envy and low self-esteem.Secondly, social media can interfere with concentration. Constant notifications make it difficult to focus on work or study.Lastly, the time we spend on social media could be used for something more productive, such as reading a book, learning a new skill, or exercising.

RecommendationLimit your time on social media to 1-2 hours a day. Use apps to monitor and manage your social media usage. That way, your life will be more balanced and productive.

2. The Benefits of Exercising Regularly

ThesisExercising regularly is one of the best ways to maintain a healthy body and mind. However, many people still ignore the importance of physical activity in their daily lives.

ArgumentsExercise helps boost the immune system, making us more resistant to illness. It doesn't need to be strenuous, just a 30-minute walk every day is very beneficial.In addition, exercise also improves mental health. Physical activity triggers the release of endorphins that make us feel happier and more relaxed.Last but not least, exercise helps us maintain our ideal body weight. By exercising, we can effectively burn the calories we consume.

RecommendationSo, start to exercise regularly. Choose an activity that you enjoy, such as swimming, cycling or yoga, and make it a part of your healthy lifestyle.

3. The Importance of Reading a Book Everyday

ThesisReading a book is not only a useful activity, but also a necessity that helps us grow. Unfortunately, in this digital era, the interest in reading is decreasing. Therefore, reading a book every day should become a habit that is practiced by everyone.

ArgumentsFirstly, reading a book broadens our horizons and knowledge. Books give us access to a variety of information that we don't get on social media or television. For example, a book about history provides a deep understanding of the journey of human civilization.Second, reading books improves our critical thinking skills. While reading, we are trained to analyze the content, understand the author's point of view, and draw conclusions. This is a very important skill in the modern world.Moreover, reading can also reduce stress. Research shows that just 6 minutes of reading can reduce stress levels by 68. This activity helps our minds relax and keep us away from daily stresses.

RecommendationTherefore, let's make time to read a book every day. Start with 10-15 minutes a day and choose a book that suits your interests. By doing so, we can become smarter and more productive individuals.

4. Why Stop Smoking?

ThesisSmoking not only damages the smoker's own health, but also harms those around them. Therefore, smoking should be stopped for the sake of better health and quality of life.

ArgumentsFirstly, smoking causes many serious diseases, such as lung cancer, heart disease and stroke. Statistics show that more than 8 million people die every year due to smoking.Secondly, smoking also has a negative impact on the environment. Cigarette butts are one of the biggest forms of pollution in the world.Thirdly, the cost of buying cigarettes could be allocated to other more beneficial needs, such as education or health investments.

RecommendationLet's stop smoking right now. If you find it difficult, seek professional help or support from your family. Remember, this decision will save your life and those of your loved ones.

5. Why Reduce the Use of Single-Use Plastics?

ThesisPlastic waste has become one of the biggest environmental problems in the world. Single-use plastics, such as straws, plastic bags and drink bottles, often end up in the ocean and threaten ecosystems.

ArgumentsFirstly, plastics take hundreds of years to break down. Imagine how much plastic waste is piling up every day. If not controlled, the planet will be overrun by plastic waste in no time.Secondly, plastic waste is very harmful to marine life. Animals such as sea turtles often eat plastic that they think is food, which eventually leads to death.Thirdly, reducing single-use plastics is actually not difficult. We can bring cloth shopping bags, use refillable drinking bottles, and avoid using plastic straws.

RecommendationTherefore, let's start from ourselves to reduce the use of plastic. The small steps we take today will have a big impact on the future sustainability of the environment.

6. The Urgency of Financial Literacy for the Younger Generation

ThesisFinancial literacy is the ability to understand and manage finances wisely. Amidst the rise of online investment and loan offers, the younger generation must have strong financial literacy to avoid getting into financial trouble.

ArgumentsFirstly, financial literacy helps us make smart decisions regarding spending and saving. By understanding the importance of saving, we can prepare better for the future.Secondly, knowledge of investments allows us to grow our wealth responsibly.Thirdly, financial literacy also helps us avoid debt traps. Many young people are trapped in online loans due to a lack of understanding about interest and risks.

RecommendationFinancial literacy education should be started early. Start learning about money management through books, courses, or financial seminars. That way, you will be better prepared to face future financial challenges.

7. The Benefits of Learning a Foreign Language

ThesisIn this era of globalization, the ability to speak a foreign language is one of the most important skills. Learning a foreign language not only expands our career opportunities, but also enriches our horizons.

ArgumentsFirstly, a foreign language opens the door to many opportunities. For example, many multinational companies are looking for employees who are fluent in more than one language.Secondly, learning a foreign language improves our cognitive abilities. Studies show that people who speak more than one language have better memory and critical thinking skills.Thirdly, foreign languages allow us to understand other cultures more deeply. This helps us become more tolerant and open to differences.

RecommendationsTake the first step by learning a foreign language that is most relevant to your needs, such as English, Mandarin or Spanish. Start from apps or online classes that are available.

8. How important is a healthy diet?

ThesisA healthy diet is the key to leading a quality life. However, many people prefer fast food for practical reasons, without realizing the impact it can have on their bodies.

ArgumentsFirstly, healthy food provides the energy necessary for the body to carry out its daily activities. Proper nutrition helps the body work optimally.Second, a poor diet can lead to various chronic diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension and obesity.Thirdly, healthy eating is not always expensive. By cooking ourselves, we can control the ingredients used and save money.

RecommendationsLet's start replacing fast food with healthier options, such as fruits, vegetables and lean proteins. This small step will have a big impact on your health.

9. The Importance of Getting Involved in Social Activities

ThesisSocial activities are not only about helping others, but also about building a sense of empathy and solidarity in society. Unfortunately, our busy daily lives often make us forget to engage in social activities.

ArgumentsFirstly, social activities help us understand the realities faced by others. It is a way to develop a sense of empathy and care.Second, engaging in social activities also brings us happiness. Studies show that giving to others makes us feel more fulfilled and happy.Thirdly, social activities can expand our network. By meeting new people, we can learn new things and get opportunities that we might never have expected.

RecommendationLet's set aside some time to contribute to social activities, such as volunteering at an orphanage, joining an environmental community, or supporting a humanitarian campaign. Every small step you take will make a huge difference to society.

10. The Importance of Maintaining a Clean Environment

ThesisA clean environment is the foundation of a healthy, balanced life. Unfortunately, many people are still unconcerned about the cleanliness of their environment. If this habit continues, the impact will be felt by future generations.

ArgumentsFirstly, a dirty environment can be a source of disease. Accumulated trash can be a breeding ground for bacteria and viruses.Second, keeping the environment clean helps maintain the beauty of nature. Imagine how comfortable it would be to live in an environment free from trash and pollution.Thirdly, the habit of keeping our environment clean also teaches us about responsibility. It's a small step that brings a big impact to the lives of the community as a whole.

RecommendationStart with simple things, such as throwing trash in its place, sorting organic and inorganic waste, and reducing the use of materials that are difficult to decompose. Together, we can create a better environment.

Dengan memahami teks Hortatory Exposition, anda bisa mengajak para pembaca untuk melakukan berbagai kegiatan positif yang selama ini kurang disadari oleh masyarakat. Semoga artikel ini bermanfaat, ya!

MG/Khansa Aria Medina

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